Why do women love shoes and handbags? I've seen girls who have more shoes than dresses, and more handbags than tops. Shoes and handbags are one way you can personalize your formal attire,...
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CHAPTER XXIX "Now, who mid ye think I've heard news o' this morning?" said Dairyman Crick, as he sat down to breakfast next day, with a riddling gaze round upon the...
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens CHAPTER 6 CUT ADRIFT The Six Jolly Fellowship Porters, already mentioned as a tavern of a dropsical appearance, had long settled down into a state of hale...
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens CHAPTER 16 AN ANNIVERSARY OCCASION The estimable Twemlow, dressing himself in his lodgings over the stable-yard in Duke Street, Saint James's, and hearing...
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CHAPTER LIX. The Bulletin. The Duc de Beaufort wrote to Athos. The letter destined for the living only reached the dead. God had changed the address. "MY DEAR COMTE," wrote the...
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טייל יוו. א נסיעה צו דעם לאנד פון די האָויהנהנמס. פּרק ווי. א קאַנטיניויישאַן פון די שטאַט פון ענגלאַנד אונטער קווין אַן. דער כאַראַקטער פון אַ ערשטער מיניסטער פון שטאַט אין אייראפעישער קאָרץ. מיין...