Sorcerer on dope Binds his power to the world Legions use his power Forseing the eternal smoke Warlords fall in pain People he seduced in black Into darkest power Never will return Warheads bang in...
Coming from the sun, reaching through the air Made me reborn Lives that crossed beneath it, formed forever source Being without time Searching for enlightment, climbing up a mind Lost is unknown When...



Bound to surface and rule Spreading the message of doom Healing the wounded with green Fooling the man with machines Sending his power to all Creating his master race call Filling the empty in man...
From the sun comes life to us Spreads the seeds Formed the sun - They are one Have evolved to higher state Escaped their bodies Now they call - Master's here Left their power in the seed To the...
wir wollen und jetzt mit der g11 in von Bowmore sprechen um das grosse obliegen Tor schließen zu wollen zu können sollen aber zunächst ich habe nämlich auf heuer andere Art entliehen Mitte März zeige...



Dieser Mann ist einfach nicht zu stoppen, Filip Jicha vom THW Kiel unser Rang fünf der schönsten Tore im Spiel gegen flensburg-handewitt der Rückraumspieler erneut eine Klasse für sich die...



Sit. You'll be fed. Untie them. Ah, rapers. They were given a choice no doubt castration or the wall. Most choose the knife. Not impressed by your new brothers? Lovely thing about the watch...
present A Wojciech Marczewski film based on the novel Dawid Weiser by Paweł Huelle Starring Dawid! Elka! Red's the best. You want some? Dawid! lt's a stupid prank! The delayed express...
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With Tor Bjørvik The municipality of Larvik offers wonderful scenery with many historical remains of past times For many years I have arranged what I call historical runs Every Saturday we meet in...