That was a creepy as all fuck intro... now we just have to wait for our doom now we just have to wait for our doom ...BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Duh fuq? Duh fuq? eye hurd soemthang , shut tha fack...
Fuck! Ooh Hello? Dude, I gotta come over I just fucking got some really - ya got some shit, huh? [giggles] Cool... uh Hey, hey. Look, look What the f- Dude, this black guy with dreadlocks, he gave...
Hi, my name is David Dick and I'm a physical therapist and clinic director at the Milwaukee- East Side clinic. I've been able to participate and work with senior citizens and help with...
I don't usually see something that's an actual real thing that I can describe as.. you know... as.. you know... one time I saw a lot of faces just always faces, just all these faces...
Meeting of the waters by TravelPod member kimandjohn Meeting of the Waters by TravelPod member kimandjohn Town along the way by TravelPod member kimandjohn Pink river dolphin (on the left) by...
HAMILTON MORRIS: Juan lights a stick on fire and gets it glowing orange. The captain does not react. He takes two more burns the same way, and then Juan begins to rub the jelly into all three wounds....
[MUSIC PLAYING] HAMILTON MORRIS: Let's go find out what we're eating for breakfast. It's hard boiled eggs and bread. And that would appear to be it. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]...
GEORGIA: And I'm Georgia. We're best friends and cocktail connoisseurs. We love taking trips, and eating stuff, and enjoying fabulous drinks. ALIE: Then we come home and throw a party...
ALIE: I'm Alie. GEORGIA: And I'm Georgia. We're best friends and cocktail connoisseurs. We love taking trips and eating stuff and enjoying fabulous drinks. ALIE: Then we come...
ALIE: I'm Alie. GEORGIA: And I'm Georgia. We're best friends and cocktail connoisseurs. We love taking trips and eating stuff and enjoying fabulous drinks. ALIE: Then we come...