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To submit an assignment through Blackboard, it’s best to follow the instructions set out by your instructor. Often, you’ll find an assignments link in the course menu. Usually, you can click on this...



Hi, I'm Laura from Youngwritersworkshops.com, and I'm going to talk about how to submit a children's book to Random House Publishing. Unfortunately, Random House Publishing and...
Learning how to make money online is easy as long as you know how to turn on your computers. during this uncertain economy I can fairly say that we all need to have a second or multiple income stream...
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Dropboxes will also accept audio recordings, recorded from within the Dropbox, as submissions. Please note that you must have Adobe Flash Player installed and a microphone connected to your computer...
Instructors have the option of manually entering grades for students in their course’s gradebook. Grades can be entered either by user, category, or assignment. Spreadsheet View combines these...
To view and grade individual safe assignments, instructors access the submissions through the grade center Click Grade Center | click Full Grade Center Instructors can access Safe Assignments needing...
Hi. We would like to give you a very brief introduction to Search It, the newest way to search all materials available through K-State Libraries. Search It is a new type of tool that provides an...
hi this is assured emma participants see your content files from your course first of all you want to be open in the course that you want to be zip the files from Why would you do this? So you always...