Detail the difference between how we make decisions now as opposed to how decisions are arrived at in a Resource-Based Economy - Well, the decision making system now is mainly based upon different...
Jacque Fresco - Dec. 19, 2010 "Relation to Academia" The American Psychological Association. People who deal with mental problems; stress, all that sort of...
Let's say it rained gold for one day. People would empty all their drawers, fill it with gold, the attic and everything but if it kept raining gold for months, they'd sweep it up,...
What do you think of when you contemplate the future? For Jacque Fresco, this is what it looks like. A future where technology is harnessed for all and money has no relevance. Sound far-fetched? Well...
In the islands you couldn't give away a magazine on nude women. They'd say "What the hell is that?" You understand? It would have no meaning. So all you people that...
If those folks out on the street that Adriana interviewed are representative many people blame Obama or even past-president George Bush for the country's current problems and though we have...
You poison yourself when you have a very negative outlook on the world. You know what I mean? I'm so busy trying to solve problems, I can't take the time out and feel bad...
(Audience member) Can I ask you a question? In a collapse of the system when you talk about a collapse occurring what do you see or what do you envision when you talk about the collapse? - I envision...