Let's be honest: a lot of us sit inside...all day. Whether it's for work or to binge on the newest TV series, we simply aren't outside very often. But, what would happen if you...
In this video we're going to show you evidence that the syrian government was framed in the chemical weapons attack of August 21st, 2013. We're going to explain why they were framed...
Dus ikheb verzamelen al deze getallen op en we gaan om ze te vermenigvuldigen. En hopelijk dit zal ons een idee over wie je volgende kus zal zijn. Hoe gaat het jongens, Stuart Edge hier met mijn...
[SPEAKING KOREAN] [KOREAN PATRIOTIC SONG] SHANE SMITH: Right after we launched VBS, people started saying, North Korea. Why don't you go to North Korea? Why? Because nobody knows anything about North...