The end of improvisions Split fingernails I bring to the fold Painted rebellion runs close to failure Counting broken ribs Dim lit rooms seem adequate for the procedure Relying on backdrops as well as...
Procedure becomes thought, fractured bones replace faint days. symphony hits me once again, resealed envelopes erase the validation that strains, my heart is in my throat.
The chemistry has sunken in and I have overcompensated the decline of such things. Keen intellect serves numb functions in years thought after wide awake with sedative instinct is apology rather than...
With a toggle of a switch negative space reverses opinions Ugly hands tend to take control of strained voices and stolen breath Meshed characters with split personalitys fall off the timeline The...
With a full right turn the process of rotting teeth begins. releasing the spit valves, my watch clicks a couple clocks too fast. the smell of silence makes hair curl. ink smeared pages, your pen cuts...