thirty one-year-old woman in ireland uh... died after she had a miscarriage and doctors refuse to terminate the pregnancy uh... when she was about seventeen weeks pregnant she went into the hospital...
we talk every once in awhile about human sexuality courses in generally when this comes up the reason that comes up is that assume in the classes i had a proper something has been talk we talk...
catalina neatly armenian out has optioned offer rejected the uh... at the age of twenty and the reason why she's doing that is because it's a business decision slash she wants to...
are most of human history uh... we've put all very high price on women's rigidity i think understandably how high a price well if your catarina neatly rini seven hundred and eighty...
there's a new video going viral and it features a cleveland bus driver punching a female passenger and why did i simply close attention to every single second of this video because every...