Hola! Soy Luz Ma y hoy les voy a decir como decorar este pastelito bien retro Todo con "glasé real" es decir "royal icing" primero prepare un glase bastante denso...



Take me to the river bend, take me to the fighting ends, Was the poison out of my skin Show me how you can be very weather Fly me up on a silver wing Beyond the black where the siren singing Warm me...
Silver Lion Venice International Film Festival 1953 Daiei Productions Presents UGETSU MONOGATARI Produced by NAGATA Masaichi From Ugetsu monogatari by Ueda Akinari Screenplay by KAWAGUCHI Matsutaro...
HEART OF GLASS I look into the distance, to the end of the world. Before the day is over, the end will come. First, time will tumble, and then the earth. The clouds will begin to race... ...the earth...
>>Sergey Brin: Hey, Vic, I’ve got a really cool event for you. >>Vic Gundotra: Sergey! [ Cheers and applause ] >>Sergey Brin: How are you doing?...

