hi leute ich möchte euch heute ein unboxing video über die adidas f 50 adiero halten so ja da ist viel zeugs zum auspacken es gibt ja auch den mi coach und ich habe f 10 und das ist sehr cool ich...
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A palace guard by TravelPod member beardsleyfamily Beautiful carved building in the fort by TravelPod member beardsleyfamily Beautiful palace room by TravelPod member beardsleyfamily Blue City street...
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Atlas Mountains by TravelPod member ilchicag Atlas Mountains by TravelPod member ilchicag Atlas Mountains by TravelPod member ilchicag Pit stop in the Atlas Mountains by TravelPod member ilchicag...
(music) (music) Hey everybody so today I'm doing a makeup look based on this hair flower/pin that I bought. As you can see it's got some pretty orange pink yellow hues to it....
If you've been waiting far too long for a lover to pop the question, perhaps its best to look away now. For this is the most expensive diamond ever to go under the hammer. That's what...
Spring is here, and in this video I'll show you an outfit that I like to wear very much during this time of the year. The first thing I am wearing is a denim shirt. I bought this one recently...
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