(Teacher): "The Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) told us that we must obey Allah and His messenger at all times. But who else did he tell us to listen to, and be close to?...
Your mother's ugly That's what I've heard Your mother's ugly Yeah, that's the word Your mother's ugly The people been sayin' Your mother's ugly I'd say I believe 'em Your mother's so nasty Makes me...
So far it's been almost 10,000 hours. After a month he swears it's no problem. I can't see how he does it, I mean, doesn't do it at all. I think I'd go crazy, I think he has blue balls. His name is...
There's something that I've got deep inside my heart (besides cholesterol or burn) it's just a yearning to write not-so funny, kinda boring, corny words of mine (hence the title)... about you. My most...
Far better than a falafel, it's more simple than a waffle. If it lands butter-side down I can throw it at the seagulls. White bread, wheat bread, multi-grain, sourdough... it's part of a complete...
I first met her at a Mr. T show, she had rings through her lip and through her nose and I wonder, wonder, wonder if she'll have my baby. I asked if she'd go around the pit with me, but she spit in my...
He sits in his room, happy and sequestered. His disposition's in remission as he passes off the past. The family stays outside his door, he blocks them out and dreams of times without domestic...



When you hang out with your "friends" who get you high (and nothing else) you lose your self-respect/worth and end up with regret because you hurt me as much as you hurt you Among those...
I stare and I peek when you're not looking but that's pretty much all the time because you don't know who I am. I could hack off my tongue and you wouldn't look my way. Now you better start to notice...
Just got my first real dose of the superstar vitamin in Japan, a foreign land. Playing in a punk rock band. I was a token model American (to them anyway). Signing autographs, one bought me a shot of...