Pessoalmente, eu acho que existem meios mais fáceis, que os relacionados à teoria quântica, de se conseguir fazer telepatia, Nós já podemos utilizar escaneamentos de Ressonância Magnética e...



O corre corre da cidade grande Tanta gente passa, estou só! O vento sopra pelo campo e traz Uma lembrança sua, estou só Já nem sei dizer Qual destes lugares me dói mais, Mas sei me decidir porque...



I can't leave The need to stay is strong Every time I close my eyes Every time I try to hide The panic builds up inside All the things I left behind Are taking over my own mind I know...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project name="one piece opening aqua timez" themeId="0"...
Wie auch immer, der Stärkste ist nicht immer der Sieger in einem Kampf. Sie ist wie ein Block aus Eis.lass mich los. Du kannst mich nicht weg drücken.Du bist jetzt in meiner Umklammerung. Du wirst...
Parli in grande ma ci metti troppo... Il tempo è scaduto! Ora è il mio turno... Pensavo che non colpisse le donne! Ha sferrato il fendente di poco fa per farmi del male! Pare che tu mi abbia...
Wow! That's a cannon Demi Culverin! Beautiful! It must be very expensive! Of the 300 million which were used for the repair costs of Merry... ... I got made steal 200 million! 200 million?!...
Wealth, Fame, Power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas. "You want my...



So I was sitting here thinking about who will be the final villain's in One Piece. And the fact of the matter is we all in a way are leaning toward the Blackbeard Pirates. So if that where to...





Late heal the wound that made me in my chest Was helpless but you came giving me a kiss You shook the senses of my body Fundiste your lips with the tips of all my fingers Take me from head to toe...

