i'm convinced of the guardian is the best publication in the world but anyway i recently they talked about the school to prison pipeline which is something that we've discussed before...
torento ni povas certigi, ke ili ne povas fari ĝin tie kiel sufiĉa por tiri la kandidato kiu povas lernis okay memorigis ĉie parto de nia popolo kiu estas terura momento kiam plimalbonigas pli...
The Zeitgeist Movement London, UK / July 25th 2009 The title of the presentation is "Where are we now?" In my experience so far in attempting to promote the ideas of the movement and...
frank and i are extremely pleased to have a good and long-time friends actually i'm back back with us today arteriovenous jack was active in our show from nineteen seventy eight the nineteen...
If you know how the world financial system works you know the game that you're playing and if you don´t know the game and the rules that we're playing by you are going to get...
one million darker are like a lot talking about your financial future out those figures become applet all of your sleep caught at uh... i'd like to start uh... by posing a problem for you and...
i volas uh ... realigis lia unua demando uzante citaĵo c skribi mails en lia libro potenco plumbo aŭ iuj aliaj libro li diris ke se vi se iu komencas paroli pri potenco de la uzo de povo vi aŭtomate...