examples from optus the milestone here are not allowed that's inappropriate it's it's short they have a right to do it and ended in a custody fight it's inappropriate...
man replacements take the black box and wonderful to see if the white folks make all about the right dot is an old list that was three hundred and several probability national brotherly means he...
is a story out about how a lot of uh... the influential progressives i'd love that uh... if you play ball with the old bombing team during the election then you are influential uh... priscilla...
will not die or a guy struggling to female celebrities and put together this advent tax the war on women and these big names like scarlett johansson an evil and gloria let's take a look at...
دليل على أن معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا رومني حقا لا أحب نوع آخر من معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا بالولايات حصلت رومني صاحب الحمار سلم له من قبل المخضرم مثلي الجنس بينما كان التصيد حول في نيو هامبشير...
speaking of not productive remember how we've been covering congresswoman michelle bachman zip session with bank ozzie like she was asked about when she made a comment about something white...
tinnitus hounds is another racist individual who decided to read about obama's reelection on her face book page and that she sign something that batter into a little bit of trouble...
[Crossing Borders] Thank you so much. I love you all. Thank you. (Applause) So, I'm from Sudan. And what you see behind me are typical pictures that you'll find whenever you search...
there's a small town in tennessee known as all the on county and they basically have a special fee for people who wish to up be protected in case of fire so if there's a fire the fire...
so there is a private call between route republicans in fact there was a republican national committee conference call and as a report on the other news was accidentally invited to it which lets us...