we talk every once in awhile about human sexuality courses in generally when this comes up the reason that comes up is that assume in the classes i had a proper something has been talk we talk...
i volas uh ... realigis lia unua demando uzante citaĵo c skribi mails en lia libro potenco plumbo aŭ iuj aliaj libro li diris ke se vi se iu komencas paroli pri potenco de la uzo de povo vi aŭtomate...
What do you desire? What makes you itch? What sort of a situation would you like? Let’s suppose, I do this often in vocational guidance of students, they come to me and say, well, we’re getting out...
i'd like to tell you about the strangest secret in the world some years ago the late nobel prize winning doctor albert schweitzer was being interviewed in london for the reporter asked him...