你說的是我不想走 你說的是我從來不放手 我不會問你為什麼 你不用教我怎麼做 我要抹上最鮮豔的口紅 喔~ 原來你是這種BAD BOY 難道我曾經默默縱容 難道是我 喔~ 你說的唯一有很多 你說的專情像煙火 你其實騙了自己騙了我 我不想再挽回什麼 你不必再疲於奔波 我要找到最亮眼的自我 喔~ 原來你是這種BAD BOY BAD BOY BAD BOY 你的壞讓我不明白 BAD BOY BAD BOY...



你說的是我不想走 你說的是我從來不放手 我不會問你為什麼 你不用教我怎麼做 我要抹上最鮮豔的口紅 喔~ 原來你是這種BAD BOY 難道我曾經默默縱容 難道是我 喔~ 你說的唯一有很多 你說的專情像煙火 你其實騙了自己騙了我 我不想再挽回什麼 你不必再疲於奔波 我要找到最亮眼的自我 喔~ 原來你是這種BAD BOY BAD BOY BAD BOY 你的壞讓我不明白 BAD BOY BAD BOY...



你說的是我不想走 你說的是我不想走 你說的是我從來不放手 我不會問你為什麼 你不用教我怎麼做 我要抹上最鮮豔的口紅 喔 原來你是這種BAD BOY 難道我曾經默默縱容 難道是我 喔~ 你說的唯一有很多 你說的專情像煙火 你其實騙了自己騙了我 我不想再挽回什麼 你不必再疲於奔波 我要找到最亮眼的自我 喔 原來你是這種BAD BOY 難道我曾經默默縱容 那全是你范的錯 喔 BAD BOY BAD...



(Soft Relaxing Music is playing) That starting to feel better? Yeah... ohhhh thats it. I'm pretty sore from last night. Can I ask you something? I know this is cliche but... How long should a...
Showtime. Mystery Man! [Carnahan] Where's the brunette? Who? [Carnahan] Your partner. [Carnahan] Remember, we were watching. She didn't make it. [Carnahan] Interesting. [Carnahan]...
Its one we keep getting dead end cases. I get it, he's on your shit list. But it's another thing to God-damn tie our hands behind our backs. We're sitting on three...
[Cole] He really expects us to believe his story? Sure he could be queer, but there's no way he just happened to be there unrelated to the shooting. Yeah, and having no I.D. or giving us his...
[Guard] What the fuck? [Harrow] You're gonna die, of that there is no fucking question! [Harrow] Slow or fast, it's your fucking choice. [Harrow] Tell me who and you go quick, fucker!...
( an elevator can be heard travelling down toward them ) The girl at the cafe. She really a con artist? Why, you afraid you got stuck with the wrong girl. Doubt she'd make me pretend to be a...
Hi I'm so sorry to bother you but my puppy broke off of her leash and ran under your vehicle and I could really use some help getting her out. My vehicle? Yeah, Every time I go to grab her she...