If you take a good long listen to your heart, you'll actually notice that it makes sounds. And those sounds are usually described as lub dub, lub dub, lub dub. And if you actually try to...
johnnie kathy have will actually just landed in miami today and that the reason why he was able to go from guatemala to the u_s_ is because he is a u_s_ citizen is it and his attorney doesn't...
we have another fatality at the heart attack grill and this is involving the unofficial spokesperson for the heart attack perot actually he was known is that i a unofficial mascot his name was john...
Płakałem, po prostu płakałem w świecie niesięgającym dla innych oczu Poczym jeśli zaznając wstydu, stane się nieszczęśliwy wszystko kręciło się. To serce zawsze jakby próbuje coś wypełnić Po...