Dia 13 de outubro a Revolution arrasando aqui com atrações internacionais como Jack Chang, esse Dj que já tocou pelo mundo inteiro e ele está aqui pela primeira vez no Brasil. Vem cá Jack, como é...
Are you using more than one email account? You can use all of them at the same time on your Nokia Lumia. If you have signed in with your Microsoft account, your email has already been set up. To add...
Hallo, ich bin Trishia Hershberger und ich präsentiere DIY in 5. Ist Ihr PC langsamer als eine Schnecke mit Valium? Keine Angst! Hier sind 5 Tipps, die Ihren Windows 10 PC schneller machen. Wissen...
Howards End by E. M. Forster CHAPTER 30 Tibby was now approaching his last year at Oxford. He had moved out of college, and was contemplating the Universe, or such portions of it as concerned him,...
Pearl Jam - Unthought Known Pearl Jam - Impensado conhecido por : ferdartfernando (Fernando M.) All the thoughts you never see (Todos os pensamentos que você nunca vê ) You are always thinking ( Você...
What's up de Março Legendas: CdeF.com.br O Brilhante Saturno e um asteróide chamado Lutetia. Bem-vindos. Eu sou Jane Houston Jones no J.P.L.da NASA em Pasadena, Califórnia. Este mês, Saturno...
What's up para Abril Legendas www.CdeF.com.br Gelo no sistema solar! Olá e bem vindos. Eu sou Jane Houston da NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, em Pasadena, Califórnia. O gelo é comum...
Start the day, with the sun, going to Leslieville. Laugh and play, having fun, running through trees and hills. Open hearts, open doors, new opportunities. L-E-S-L-I-E-V-I-L-L-E! Full of pride, stand...
Mondays and Fridays at 3 p.m. Central All right Super Mario should be here any minute now Any minute now. Any minute now. Aha! I told you he'd be here. Well, well, well, Mario. I've...
Fifi heute werden wir die meine Frau von Moto bekommen. Aber deine Frau rollt nicht gern im Motorrad. Ja, aber diese Zeit wird akzeptiert. Er gerät in Schwierigkeiten. Hier sehe ich schon dein...