The story board rothfuss

PATRICK ROTHFUSS: Hello there, everybody. This is Pat Rothfuss with The Story Board. And today we are going to be talking about sex and fantasy, or fantastic sex, or however you want to parse that...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS: Hello, everyone and welcome to the story broad, the story broad. CHERIE PRIEST: That's me, apparently. I've decided to start the show using a technique I think of as...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS: Well, hello there, everybody. This is a Geek and Sundry production, the Tuesday night Live Hangouts. My name is Pat Rothfuss. And this is the first of the Hangouts. We are The Story...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS: [HUMMING] Oh. [LAUGHING] MARY ROBINETTE KOWAL: [LAUGHING] PATRICK ROTHFUSS: It always catches me singing right before. Hello. My name is Pat Rothfuss, and welcome to...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS: Today we're talking about video games and the storytelling therein with our fabulous guests. And I'll let them introduce themselves. Let's start with...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS: Hello everybody, and welcome to this week's storyboard brought you by Geek and Sundry and Powder Milk Biscuits. [LAUGHTER] This week, we're going to be talking with...